Teaching CDs


Do Not Lose Heart CDs


Do Not Lose Heart

In a world where pressures and uncertainties surround us, Lori teaches on how to keep your heart strong and healthy for the Master's use.

2 CD Series - $10.00


The Spirit Of A Warrior

As the warfare intensifies between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, a militant spirit is essential to help us overcome. Lori shares the characteristics of a spiritual warrior and helps prepare us to live in total victory over our battles.  

2 CD Series - $10.00


The Spirit of a Warrior



Women of Valor

God is raising up many mighty women in this hour. Lori teaches on the role women need to play in God's plan for these last days and how to obtain supernatural favor. If you're a women and are called to minister this teaching will give great insight!

2 CD Series - $10.00


Women of Valor



Amazing Grace


How to Develop a Brave Heart

In this series, Lori teaches us how to reach beyond our  insecurities and bring out the best in those around us. Lori challenges us to have the courage to speak to the truth in love combined with the humility to serve those in need.

4 CD Series - $20.00


Developing Heart Skills



Breakthru Faith


Developing Heart Skills

Lori teaches how to develop the most important character qualities to operate in true spiritual power. Heart skills are a priority above, money, success and popularity. Heart skills teach us about relationship with ourselves, with God and with other people.

8 CD Series - $40.00


Inheriting Your Dream


How to Develop a Brave Heart

Many of our breakthroughs in God come as a result of increased faith. In this 3-part series, Lori Wilke teaches how to increase faith, release faith, and restore faith for

those who have fallen. If what you need is a breakthrough than you need “Breakthru Faith”!

3 CD Series - $15


Overcoming Rejection and Grief


Inheriting Your Dream

What does your heart desire to accomplish in life more than anything else? There is a good chance that God gave you those desires to reveal your purpose in life. Lori teaches us how to discover, develop, do and demonstrate our God given dreams. If youʼve been searching for fulfillment in life, “Inheriting Your Dream” will help you move closer to what God has called you to become.

5 CD Series - $25.00


Pressing Through Problems


Overcoming Rejection and Grief

Everyone experiences losses in life that can produce grief, hurts and anger. Learn what those losses are and how to overcome the pain they cause. Lori ministers to our lives in these sensitive but very real emotional areas. A great teaching for those needing healing or those ministering healing to others.

3 CD Series - $15.00


Pressing Through Problems

You're on the edge of the Promise Land. You've been through the wilderness, the temptations and the testings. The challenges seem greater now than when you first began. Learn how to become what God has destined for you to be, how to disarm the enemy's schemes, and understand the appointed time for God's plan to be fulfilled.

6 CD Series - $30.00

The Potter's Wheel

Some of our greatest times of spiritual maturity are in painful or stressful situations. In series, Lori Wilke helps us learn how God uses difficult situations to mold us into His likeness. Receive encouragement to stay on "the potter's wheel" until God is through with transforming your life, your relationships and your ministry!

4 CD Series - $20.00


The Potter's Wheel


Strength For The Weary

Serving God in todayʼs demanding world requires reliance upon Godʼs supernatural strength and wisdom. In this series, Lori Wilke teaches on The Four Living Creatures found in the Book of Revelation and how they symbolize the strength, wisdom and maturity needed to walk victorious as a believer.

4 CD Series - $20.00


Strength for the Weary


You Can Face the Fire!

Life is full of adversities and crisis situations. God has given every believer the power to overcome in the face tribulation. In this 3 CD series, Lori calls this tribulation and adversity “The Fire.” If you've been going through hardship and need answers for a victorious attitude, this teaching will do it.

3 CD Series - $15.00


You Can Face the Fire!


Cure for the Insecure

Life is full of adversities and crisis situations. God has given every believer the power to overcome in the face tribulation. In this 3 CD series, Lori calls this tribulation and adversity “The Fire.” If you've been going through hardship and need answers for a victorious attitude, this teaching will do it.

3 CD Series - $15.00


Cure for the Insecure


I See Gold

Learning to bring out the best in others is one of the greatest callings we have as members of the Body of Christ. Lori inspires all of us to become builders of God's people and bring out the "divine nature" that resides in everyone!

4 CD Series - $20.00


I See Gold


Carry The Crown

Every Christian has been crowned with a purpose and a destiny! In this teaching series Lori encourages us to rise up and fulfill our purpose and walk in our divine destiny in

God! Lori gives practical help in becoming an influential person. If you desire to be all you can be for God, then you will want to Carry The Crown!

4 CD Series - $20.00


Carry The Crown



Psalmist Ministry

In this 2-CD series, Lori Wilke shares her experience on how God trained her to fulfill the call of a psalmist. These leadership principles are excellent instruction for pastors,

worship leaders, singers, musicians, and songwriters on flowing in the psalmist and prophetic anointing.

2 CD Series - $10.00

Psalmist Ministry




The Holy Spirit Our Friend

Learn who the Holy Spirit is, what He has come to do, how to really know Him and just how powerful His influence can be in your life. He wants to be your friend if you know how to let Him.

6 CD Series - $30.00


The Holy Spirit Our Friend



Are You Having Joy Yet?

JOY is the one thing that Satan tries to steal more than anything else except our faith. The Bible says, “the joy of the Lord is our strength.” In this 3-CD series, you will learn how to live free from depression, legalism and a life bound by fear as Lori shares her testimony of being filled with God's supernatural joy and power!

3 CD Series - $15.00

Are You Having Joy Yet?


